At Arizona Heart Rhythm Center we take your safety very seriously. We have taken several measures to reduce exposure to coronavirus. We constantly disinfect all touch surfaces as per CDC guidelines. All patients and staff are screened on a daily basis. Any patients or staff who are thought to possibly have COVID-19 are strictly prohibited from entering the facility. All individuals entering the facility are required to be masked. TeleMedicine is extensively utilized to maximize the reduction of exposure.
All patients and visitors entering the surgical area have been screened negative for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and have been tested negative with PCR days before the procedure.
MASKS ARE REQUIRED: All patients visitors and staff wear masks whenever possible
Surgery center providers and staff undergo PCR testing every 2 weeks.
All staff and visitors wear N 95 masks with a face shield.
Maximum social distancing guidelines are enforced for staff members who have any routine patient interaction.
Staff members are required to submit daily social distancing disclosures and symptom screening prior to their arrival at the center. On arrival, they are screened with non-contact temperature checks.
All staff-to-patient interactions are generally done over telemedicine.
Any individual who has any symptoms tested positive on screening is required to provide 2 negative test results prior to returning to the facility.
PCR technology is the most accurate testing protocol currently available on the market for COVID-19.
PCR tests are used to directly detect the presence of viral antigen. By detecting viral RNA, which will be present in the body before antibodies form or symptoms of the disease are present, the tests can tell whether or not someone has the virus very early on.
PCR gives us a good indication of who is infected. Once positive patients can be isolated as well as their recent contacts quarantined.
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Due to heavy demand and decreased availability of these tests the results may not be available for up to a week. You must get your COVID-19 Active Viral Infection PCR Test 7-14 days prior to your procedure
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There are several places available in Arizona for you to get your COVID-19 Active Viral Infection PCR Test. Your doctor’s office will assist you in getting an appointment. You can also look at sites like your primary care doctor’s office, your urgent care, CVS store, other drive-through facilities like Embry women’s health.
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At heart Health Center which is our ambulatory surgery center, no visitors who have not been screened for COVID 19 with the PCR test are allowed. However, visitors can stay at the main clinic lounge on the first floor and once your procedure is completed they can give you a ride back home.
If you absolutely require a family member to accompany you, they must also undergo COVID testing prior to your procedure.
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